Procurement planning

Procurement planning is the process of deciding what to buy, when and from what source. It is the primary function that sets the stage for subsequent procurement activities. Procurement must take a thoroughly professional view of its role in business Read More …

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A Procurement Plan is a document that sets out the intended strategy for how procurement will be carried out before any significant procurement actions are performed. A Procurement Plan defines the products, services and works that you will obtain from Read More …

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A procuring entity may enter into a framework agreement through open tender if-  the procurement value is within the thresholds prescribed under Regulations to this Act; the required quantity goods, works or non-consultancy services cannot be determined at the time Read More …

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A procuring entity may use a low-value used procurement procedure if- the entity is procuring low value items which are not procured on a regular or frequent basis and are not covered in framework agreement; the estimated value of the Read More …

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Restricted tendering is a procurement method that limits the request for tenders to a select number of suppliers, contractors or service providers. This method of procurement is also called: Limited Bidding and Selective Tendering. Although considered a competitive procurement method, Read More …

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The Request for Proposal (RFP) is a two envelope procurement method that can be used for goods, services or works. It is used when suppliers, contractors or services providers are expected to propose a specific solution (methodology and workplan) to Read More …

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Two-stage tendering is similar to the request for proposals because the technical and financial proposals are submitted separately, but one before the other, rather than simultaneously. A key feature of this procurement method is that the submission of proposals takes Read More …

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The request for quotations is a procurement method that is used for small value procurements of readily available off-the-shelf goods, small value construction works, or small value services procurements. Request for quotations (RFQs) are used for low dollar value purchases Read More …

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