Contract review is an essential step in the contracting process. It provides for independent advice on the acceptability of the procurement process undertaken, and the proposed commitment of funds by the highest level authority or officer with the appropriate authority. Read More …

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Pre-contractual phase: Planning

Includes activities related to requirement definition and preliminary procurement planning up to issuance of bid solicitation. During this phase, various activities may arise such as: Verify the requisition form for goods and services, the funding and the security requirements Review Read More …

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Contract activities can be split into two distinct but interdependent phases: pre-contract award/renewal and post-contract management. Contract management is command and control of the activities spanning both phases, but the potential value adding outcomes of post contract management will not Read More …

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The Procurement cycle is the cyclical process of key steps when procuring goods or services, from identification of a need and conducting market analysis through to the process of selecting the supplier, managing their performance and reviewing lessons learnt. Potential Read More …

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Customer Needs Identification is the process of determining what and how a customer wants a product to perform. Customer Needs are non-technical, and they reflect the customers‘ perception of the product, not the actual design specifications, although frequently they are Read More …

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Public procurement principles set the framework for managing public procurement requirements and also within which procurement practitioners must work. So as practitioners it is important to not only know and understand these principles but to internalize them so that they Read More …

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Contents of a procurement plan

The procurement plan shall include but not be limited to the following information: Detailed breakdown of the goods, works, consultancy es and services required; A schedule of the planned delivery, implementation or completion dates for all goods, works, consultancies and Read More …

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