Executive Summary Notes

6.1 Business Description Your background The proposed business name and the starting date Location of the business Major activities of the business Uniqueness of your product/services What attracted you to this opportunity Explain your plans to exploit the opportunity What Read More …

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Financial Plan Notes

The financial plan is an important part of the business plan because it is here that the profitability of the intended business is demonstrated to the entrepreneur and to the potential financiers. It provides a tool for monitoring the financial Read More …

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Operational/Production Plan Notes

In the operational phase of business planning, you will describe the facilities, labour and overheads required to manufacture your propose product(s) or render your proposed services(s). If you are in the manufacturing business, your will explain the manufacturing process for Read More …

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Organization and Management Plan Notes

3.0 Organization and Management Plan In the organizational plan for the business, you will develop policies for staff development and human resource management. This will enable you to achieve the efficient product of goods of effective performance of services. You Read More …

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The Marketing Plan Notes

The marketing plan is the second stage of preparing your business plan. This phase is highly critical because it provides the basis for the organizational, operational and financial plans. You will need to conduct a market research i.e., an in-depth Read More …

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The Business Description Notes

1.1 The Sponsor(s) Sponsors background Full name (and age – where applicable_ Marital Status Residence Educational, Entrepreneurial, Management Skills, Training, Experience and Professional qualification Relevant business experience Plans to acquire necessary experience Amount to be invested in the business. Amount Read More …

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Meaning of communication To commutate is to make known to impart or to transmit information. Communication forms the bridge between manager and employees. Communication is an integral part of managing because it is only through communication that manager can make Read More …

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GRIEVANCE AND DISPUTE SETTLING MACHINERY GRIEVANCES AND DISPUTES Labor relations involve more than negotiating a labor agreement. In fact, the real test of effective labor relations begins after agreement is signed. The acid test is found in the day-to-day administration Read More …

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SIGNIFICANCE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS The significance of good industrial relations in any country cannot be overemphasized. Good industrial relations are necessary for various reasons. Good industrial relation helps in the economic progress of a country. The problem of an increase Read More …

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