Project Implementation


Meaning of Project Implementation
Factors to be considered in Project Implementation
Project Implementation Process

Project implementation (or project execution) is the phase where visions and plans become reality. This is the logical conclusion, after evaluating, deciding, visioning, planning, applying for funds and finding the financial resources of a project. Technical implementation is one part of executing a project.
The fundamentals of Project Implementation Tasks

1. Project mission-Initial clearly defined gods and general directions.
2. Top management Support-Willingness of top management to provide the necessary resources and authority/power for project success.
3. Project Schedule/Plan-A detailed specification of the individual actions steps for. Project implementation.
4. Client Consultation-Communication, consultation, and active listening to all impacted parties.
5. Personnel-Recruitment, selection, and training of the necessary personnel for the project team.
6.Technical Tasks-Availability of the required technology and expertise to accomplish the specific technical action steps.
7. Client Acceptance-The act of “selling” the final project to its ultimate intended users.
8. Monitoring and Feedback-Timely provision of comprehensive control information at each stage in the implementation process.
9. Communication-The provision of an appropriate network and necessary data to all key actors in the project implementation.
A project is generally considered to be successfully implemented if it
 Comes in on-schedule (time criterion).
 Comes in on-budget (monetary criterion).
 Achieves basically all the goals originally set for it (effectiveness criterion).
 Is accepted and used by the clients for whom the project is intended (client satisfaction criterion).
Prepare the infrastructure. Many solutions are implemented into a production environment that is separate and distinct from where the solution was developed and tested. It is important that the characteristics of the production environment be accounted for. This strategy includes a review of hardware, software, communications, etc. In our example above, the potential desktop capacity problem would have been revealed if we had done an evaluation of the production (or real-world) environment. When you are ready for implementation, the production infrastructure needs to be in place. Coordinate with the organizations involved in implementation. This may be as simple as communicating to your client community. However, few solutions today can be implemented without involving a number of organizations. Many of these groups might actually have a role in getting the solution successfully deployed. Part of the implementation work is to coordinate the work of any other groups that have a role to play. Implement training/Capacity building. Many solutions require users to attend training or more informal coaching sessions. This type of training could be completed in advance, but the further out the training is held, the less information will be retained when implementation rolls around. Training that takes place close to the time of
implementation should be made part of the actual implementation plan. Implement the project. This is the piece everyone remembers. Your solution needs to be moved from development to test. If the solution is brand new, this might be finished in a leisurely and thoughtful manner over a period of time. Monitor the Implementation. Usually the project team will spend some period of
time monitoring the implemented solution. If there are problems that come up immediately after implementation, the project team should address and fix them.

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