It is an audit process for verifying the cost of manufacture or production of any article, on the basis of accounts as regards utilisation of material or labour or other items of costs, maintained by the company. According to sub-section Read More …

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Section 233 A empowers the Central Government, in certain cases, to call for a ‘special audit’. Such an audit may be required where the Central Government has reasons to believe:  that the affairs of the company are not being managed Read More …

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The practice of appointing Chartered Accountants as joint auditors is quite widespread in big companies and corporations. Joint audit basically implies pooling together the resources and expertise of more than one firm of auditors to render an expert job in Read More …

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In terms of the general principles of law, any person having the lawful possession of somebody else’s property, on which he has worked, may retain the property for non-payment of his dues on account of the work done on the Read More …

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SPECIMEN AUDITOR’S REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COMPANY The Members of ………………(name of the Company)1 1. We have audited the attached balance sheet of ………………. (name of the company), as at 31st March 20XX, the profit and loss account Read More …

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