Object Oriented System analysis and Design

Instructions: Answer Question 1 and Any Other Two Questions.


  1. i) Explain any two methodologies that are applicable in system analysis and design today                                                                                                                          (2 marks)
  2. For each of the above methodologies identified above, describe how they may be applied by a systems development team suggesting the advantages and disadvantages of applying them                                                         (4 marks)
  3. Buttons in elevators and on the floors control the movement of 8 elevators in a building in building with 20 floors. Buttons illuminate when pressed to request an elevator to stop at a specific floor. The illumination is cancelled when the request has been satisfied. When an elevator has no requests it remains at its current floor with its doors closed.
  4. Identify the objects collaborating in the above give scenario (3 marks)
  5. Describe the messages being exchanged by these objects (3 marks)


  1. Which of the following examples are association, aggression or composition (4 marks)
  2. Houses on a street
  3. Pages in a book
  • Room in house
  1. Components in a home entertainment system (television, VCR, tape deck, amplifier, game console
  2. When messages are passed within a system they are said to invoke and operation. Explain what this means (4 marks)
  3. Play a Dice Game: player requests to roll the dice. System presents the results. If the dice face value totals seven, the player wins, otherwise player loses.
  4. Identify three classes in the scenario      (3 marks)
  5. Draw the class diagram showing the relationships in the model (3 marks)
  • Draw a use case for the above scenario      (4 marks)



  1. With the use of an illustration explain the following stereo types as applied mostly in use cases analysis diagram (4 Marks)
  2. <<includes>>
  3. <<extends>>
  4. Describe any two UML diagrams which are used to show messages sent between objects                                                                                       (4 marks)
  5. A customer arrives at a checkout with items to purchase. The cashier uses the POS system to record each purchased item. The system presents a running total and line item detail. The customer enters payment information, which the system validates the records. The system updates inventory. The customer receives a receipt form the system and then leaves with the items. Model this scenario using a sequence diagram to capture the occurrence of the events and messages in the system                            (6 marks)
  6. Scenario: The applicant enters the license application number, the system retrieves the information related to it, and the system displays this information.

Using the above scenario, identify the actors and use cases depicted in the system and represent this information in a use diagram                                         (6 marks)



  1. The development of a computer system is required by a community bank. The community bank is a new venture to introduce banking services to a local community that do not normally use the facilities of the national banks. A system is required whereby customers may open accounts of the following types: Savings account, current account, children’s account and fixed deposit account. They may perform the usual transactions on these accounts (credit the account, debit account and obtain the current balance). The bank is also required to provide to government the value for its total assets.

Draw a class diagram showing the relationships and multiplicities           (10 marks)


  1. A golf club wants to develop software to support a number of its activities. The club secretary will use the system to manage membership details, which includes adding and removing members. To become a member an application has to be recommended by two current members. The secretary can add tournaments as well as printing tournament results. Members of the club can enter tournaments if they wish and can view results.


Draw a use case diagram for the above scenario                                     (10 marks)



  1. A lift user observes the lift indicator to check if the lift in on the same floor as the user. If not the user presses the lift button which directs the lift to the correct floor and opens its doors for the user
    1. Create a sequence diagram based on the following description (4 marks)
  2. Explain what you understand by the term inheritance and explain any two advantages of inheritance                                                                                                         (5 marks)
  3. In a computer college, there are technicians. Technicians work in a particular lab. Lecturer is assigned between ten and fifteen students to teach and during their lectures they may use a number of different labs. Lecturers are assigned classes by the principal

Draw an UML class diagram based on your understanding of the scenario     (5 marks)


  1. When a customer goes to shop in a supermarket, he/she starts by filling all the items they need on the trolley. The customer then pushes the trolley to the trolley to the cashier who calculates the total cost of all the items and presents the same o the customer. Thereafter, the customer may decide to pay in cash or present a card. The credit card is then swiped by the cashier through a card reader that debits the same amount from the customer’s account. The cashier then returns the card to the customer


Capture the system requirements of the above scenario using use case diagrams     (6 marks)

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