According to Oakley and Krug (1993), the past decade marked a period of unprecedented change in the world generally in business markets specifically.

Forecasts suggest that the ‗80s were merely a prelude to the dynamic challenges ahead in the ‗90s and beyond. Indeed the entire cycle of change has been altered dramatically. The intervals between changes have shortened and the pace at which change now occurs has quickened. I  wasn‘t long ago that we had time to adjust to change before more change was upon us, but no longer. In today‘s turbulent market place, the only constant is change. To be successful in today‘s fast changing market place requires that business be conducted differently than ever before. While yesterday‘s business people found a degree of comfort and certainty in knowing they could continue doing things ―the way we‘ve always done them before,‖ today these words indicate that a manager or a company is
already in or headed for trouble. Yesterday we could rely policies and procedures to assure our people were doing things right. Today‘s highly competitive market demands that our people do the right things.

Our people must be continuously look for new and better ways to accomplish just about everything , sometimes throwing old procedures out the door and leaving that door open for creative and innovative thinking. The need for innovation is not new, but never before has there been such an urgent demand to continually create new and better solutions. For all those working in the business arena, this means that a successful future depends upon the ability to change atleast as quickly as the market place. Change is a factor that every organization must accept and more critical to the long-term success of an organization.

Change in any institution starts with leadership of an institution. When the present organization structure does not adequately fit the need of when strategy and strategic principles of organizing, top management to look for reorganization. Many companies have reorganized their structure recently because of the change in their strategies. The implementation may put various changes in their strategies and action. When the change is implemented thus managers should monitor its effect so that they overcome the expected happenings in a timely fashion and react to it intelligently.

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