KCSE Past Papers Woodwork 2013

5.2 WOODWORK (444)

5.2.1 Woodwork Paper 1 (444/1)

1. (a) Levels of qualifications.

– Artisan

– Craftsman

– Technician

– Engineer

(b) Factors which determine the appearance of grains.

– Methods of cut.

– The location of the cut.

– The condition of wood.

– The arrangement of wood cells.

– Direction of cut.


4. a) Texture – is a surface 2 condition resulting from the size 2 and distribution 2 of wood cells 2 .

b) Figure – pattem 2 or markings which are formed 2 on the surface of processed timber as a result of wood tissue being cut 2 through.

2 x 2 = (4 marks) 5 a) Functions of a jointer

Makes edges straight and square.

Makes rebates, tongues and chamfers.


6.a) Four characteristics of laquer

Crystal clear

Fast drying

Produce hazardous fumes during application

Can be sprayed or brushed

Do not form layers as thick as most varnishes.

b) Classification of pencils

Soft Medium Hard

8. Precautions to be observed when using a saw

– No nailsl metallic objects in the workpiece.

– No obstacles in front of the cutting line.

– Ensure that the saw is well maintained.

– Make! apply uniform strokes to drive the saw.


12, (a) Precautions to be ob

served when using a steel tape measure.

Do not pull or push the tape when the locking device is engaged C . . .

heck the accuracy with a vemler calllper to ensure the hook at the end is not bend.

D0 not extend the tape beyond its limits.

Do not drop the tape.

3×1 = (3 marks)


(ii) Step of marking out the shape

Establish line AB = 60 mm

At point A and B construct perpendicular lines.

At point A and B and along the perpendicular line, mark 80 nun – C and D

At point A construct L30“ to cut at E.

Measure 30 mm from point E to establish point F.

At point F construct an arc 30 mm radius to meet at C and D.

Join points A, C, D and E to produce the desired shape. 7 x 1 = (7 marks)

13. (a) Factors to consider when grading timber.

– Quality@ – when ‘1idging the qtéfity the grader considers the type , size and numbe of defects on the face (i.e) natural defect, sawing defect, seasoning e.t.c.

– Condition@ – The grader should consider the condition of the surface (i.e) staining@, discolouration® due to weathering, fungi attack@ moisture content e.t.c.

– Snengm@ – The ability of the timber to withstand shearing stresses, G9 bending stresses and compression. (5 marks)

(b) Purpose of a primer

– Prevent previous applied finishes from bleeding into the paint.

– Seals wood pores and stick to surfaces better than paint does.

– As they seal the pores, they make the surface smooth, hence the surface is easier to paint and less absorbent.

– Help to preserve the wood and reduce blistering, peeling and ratting.

– Forms a surface for finishing coat.

Any 4 x 1 (4 marks)

(c) Blockboard and plywood

14. (a) Benefits of small business start up

– Creates employment to the local community.

– Control the mral urban migration

– Generates revenue to the local authority by paying levies.

– Takes services closure to the people.

– Improves the living standards of the local community.

– Makes use of the locally available materials.

– Creates taxable revenue to the Government.

Any 6 xl = (6 marks)

(b) Cutting list

Item No. Description Size (mm) No. Off

1 Top 25 x 150 x 900 1 =

2 Bottom 25 x 200 x 900 1 =

Sides 25 x 200 x 600 =

Partition 25 x 200 x 600 =

EQ;-ma; = 1

Cross-cutting is the an of cutting

wood across the grains using

Sew kerb

Saw hr!

15. a)

b) Advantages of quarter sawing – retains the shape upon drying.

– Produces decorative radial face.

– Produces timber appropriate for joists.

Any 2 x1 = (2 marks)


– Expensive form of conversion.

– Creates a lot of waste.

– Ideal for large logs.

Any2xI = (2marks)

Total = 4 marks

c) Precautions to avoid splitting.

– Ensure the workpiece is clamped firmly on the bench.

– Select an appropriate chisel.

– Apply light blows to start with.

– Tum the piece and finish from the other side.

Any 3 x 1 = (3 marks)



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