KCSE Past Papers 2020 IRE Paper 1 (314/1)

KCSE Past Papers 2020 IRE Paper 1

2020 Islamic Religious Education – Paper 1

1.a. Why did mankind need the revelation of the Quran? (8 marks)


  • Previously revealed books had been corrupted/interpulated/fabricated
  • Some of the revealed scriptures were completely lost
  • Human intellect was not enough to guide mankind to the right path ofAllah
  • To address the prevailing moral, social, spiritual and economicdegeneration
  • To confirm the authenticity of Prophet (p.b.u.h) and Islam/symbols ofIslam
  • In order to give new knowledge that matched the advancement andprogress of human society
  • To improve and better earlier revealed legislations, with a view ofbringing ease to humanity
  • To bring humanity under one universal code of guidance, given that theprevious scriptures were for specific nations
  • To serve as the final and complete guidance of Allah to humanity
  • To confirm Allah’s messages previously sent to other prophets, as a wayof showing the continuity of divine revelation
  • To serve as a criterion between right and wrong
  • The Quran serves as mercy to humanity
  • To serve as a reminder of people’s responsibilities and duties to Allah andwarn them against disobeying the commandments of Allah (Q 6:19)
  • To give knowledge of the hidden world e.g. God, Angel, Day of judgement,paradise and hell.b. Give six lessons that Muslims learn from the last three verses of Surah AlBaqarah.(02:284-286)(6 marks)

    Muslims should exercise humility because all that they own belongs toAllah,Allah is the owner of all that is in the heavens and on earth. Muslimsshould shun pride and showoff.

  • Muslims should strive in doing good and avoiding evil, and also be sincerein worshipping Allah because He knows whatever we do wether wehide/conceal or do it in the open. All Muslims will be held accountable fortheir deeds.
  • Muslims should seek for forgiveness from Allah because it is Allah whoforgives at His own will and punishes at His own will.
  • Muslims should trust and rely on Allah only because He has full control ofall things.
  • Muslims should believe/follow the teachings of the Quran revelation fromAllah.
  • Muslims should follow/imitate the Prophet (p.b.u.h) because he had thehighest standard/level of faith in the message of Allah.
  • A true believer should believe in the articles of faith i.e. belief in Allah,Angels, messengers, books etc.
  • Muslims will gain complete faith when they believe in all of Allah’smessengers without any distinction.. To disregard any of Allah’smessengers is disbelief.
  • Muslims should submit fully to the will of Allah, Allah’s will is superior tothe will of human beings.
  • Muslims should always supplicate to Allah and seek for His forgiMuslims should prepare for the hereafter, with full knowledge that theywill finally return to their creator.
  • Allah is merciful because He does not burden a person beyond hiscapabilities.
  • Believers are punished and rewarded for what they have done becauseAllah is just.
  • Allah has favoured the Muslims by giving them lenient obligations as compared to the Jews and Christians.
  • Allah is the giver of victory.c. State six ways through which the Quran is preserved in present times (6 marks)


  • Through memorization: the Qur’an has been committed to memory by
  • many Muslims, hence its preservation.
  • Qur’an recitation competitions where Muslims both young and old take
  • part and prizes offered to the best reciters.
  • Qur’an has been preserved in print and electronic media e.g. cassettes,CDs,flash disks, magazines, newspapers. The written text of the Qurancan be stored on CDs and flash disks, and also the recitation of the whole
  • Qur’an can be recorded in cassettes.
  • Qur’an is recited daily in prayers by all Muslims.
  • The printed copy of the Qur’an has been reprinted and copies circulatedall over the world.
  • The whole text of the Qur’an is recited by Muslims during the holy monthof Ramadhan.
  • Programmes on Qur’an recitation are broadcast on television and radioe.g.radio Iqra, radio Rahma.
  • High respect is accorded to memorizers and this encourages Muslims tocommit the Qur’an to memory.
  • Original manuscript of the holy Qur’an which dates back to the period of
  • Sahaba is preserved in museums around the world.
  • Qur’an has been written in separate volumes e.g. Surah Yasin. Sura Alfatiha,for easy recitation and preservation.
  • The Qur’an has been translated into other languages e.g. Kiswahili,therefore,many Muslims are able to read it and understand hence,preserve it.
  • Qur’an has been printed on calendars and gift artefacts found all over the
  • world hence its preservation.
  • Qur’an is taught at all levels of learning e.g. Madrasa (duksi), schools,colleges,universities.
  • Qur’an recitation is done at the beginning of every Islamic function or
  • meeting hence encouraging its preservation.
  • 2.a. State seven teachings on morality from Surah An-Nur:(7 marks) 
  • The Surah highlights chastity which is a virtue for both men and women Q
  • 24: 15 -16 highlights the punishment for sex offences e.g. fornicators to
  • be given 100 lashes and there must be witnesses when the punishment isbeing carried out.
  • Adultery is discouraged and Muslims are called upon to boycott adulterersand should not have any relations with them Q 24:3.
  • Those who slander or create false allegations about sexual misconduct.those who accuse others of adultery without evidence to be given 80lashes and if they repent thereafter then Allah will forgive them Q 24:4 –
  • 5.Husbands who accuse their wives of infidelity without evidence shouldswear 4 times and invoke the curse of Allah on themselves if the wives
  • swear in the same way, then they are acquitted. Q 24: 6 – 10.
  • The Surah lays down general principles regarding relations between
  • Muslims that should be based on faith and not suspicions. Q 24: 26
  • Believers are forbidden from entering houses of other people unless withpermission. Q24: 27 – 29.
  • Believers are wamed to be careful about false rumours because they cancause pain and divisions among them. those who spread evil rumoursdeserve punishment and not encouragement. Q 24: 11 – 16.
  • Marriage is encouraged among the single and pious even if they areslaves or poor as Allah will enrich them.
  • Slavery is discouraged. Slave owners are asked to give financial help to
  • the slaves so that they can earn their freedom. Prostitution by slave girls is also forbidden. Q 24:33
  • Muslim men and women should lower their gaze from looking at forbidden things and shun illegal sexual acts.
  • Women are forbidden from revealing their adornment except to their husband and Mahrim. Q 24: 30 – 31
  • Rules regarding coexistence and social relations are established, e.g
  • privacy in the home is encouraged servants and under age children should not enter private rooms without permission especially before Fajr prayers, at noon and after Isha prayers. Q 24: 58 – 59 – Old women past child bearing age are permitted to set aside their outergarment within the house. Q 24: 60.
  • Muslims are encouraged to treat the disabled kindly e.g. the blind, lame,
  • crippled and sick. are allowed to eat in other people‘s houses.
  • When entering other people’s houses. it is good to offer greetings.b. Describe the process of compilation of the Quran.(6 marks)


  • The prophet had died leaving behind the entire Qur’an preserved in the
  • memories of the Swahabas or written down on different materials.
  • There was no compiled volume of the Qur’an
  • Upon the death of the Prophet, the Swahabas unanimously agreed on
  • Abubakar (RA) as the first leader of the Muslim community to take charge of religious, social, economic and political affairs.
  • When he assumed office he was faced with several challenges; among them being those who claimed to be prophets, those who refused to pay
  • Zakat and those who turned to apostasy. During the battle of Yamama when caliph Abubakar was fighting the false Prophets, several Hufadh
  • (memorizers) were martyred.
  • During the wars of apostasy, seventy other memorizers were killed, living very few among the Swahabas who had memorized the Qur’an.
  • Umar (RA) then suggested to the caliph that there was need to arrest the situation by compiling the Qur’an into one volume. Abubakar (RA) was hesitant to do what the Prophet had not done but when the Swahabas insisted, the caliph gave in and saw the need for compiling the Qur’an.
  • Caliph Abubakar gave Zayd bin Thabit the responsibility to be in charge ofthe group.
  • Among other key Swahabas who undertook this huge responsibility were;
  • Abdullah bin Masoud (RA) Ali bin Abi Talib (RA) Sayyidna Uthman bin
  • Affan (RA), Ubay bin ka’ab (RA), Abdallah bin Amr bin al ‘As (RA), Salim (RA), Aisha (RAA), Hafsa (RAA), Umm Salama (RAA), Abu Zayd amongothers.
  • They began by collecting all the materials on which the Qur’an had been written on by the prophet’s scribes and other companions. This group then agreed on the following conditions towards the task: The verses must have been written down by at least two other companions, The materials on which the verses were written on must be availed before the committee, There must be two pious Muslim witnesses to testify the verses were actually dictated by the Prophet.
  • After the process of compilation, Zayd presented the compiled copy which was referred to as Mashaf to Caliph Abubakar who kept it under the custody of Lady Hafswa bint Umar (RAA). It was then used by Caliph Umar (RA) during his caliphate.c. Mention seven scribes who were used by the Prophet (P.b.u.h) to record the revelation of the Quran.(7 marks)



  • Quran.(7 marks)
  • Abubakar Aswiddiq (RA)
  • Umar (RA) bin Khattab (RA),
  • Ali bin Abi Talib (RA),
  • Muawiah ibn Abi Sufyan,
  • Zaid ibn Thabit,
  • Zubayr ibn Awwam,
  • Amir ibn Fuhayra,
  • Ubay ibn Ka’b
  • Abdullah ibn Rawaha.3.a. Discuss the significance of hadith in the life of a Muslim.(7 marks)


  • Hadith explains the Quran.
  • It is a source of Shariah only next to the Quran.
  • Helps a Muslim to know the proper way of behaving.
  • Helps a Muslim to be closer to Allah by carrying out his commands.
  • Guides Muslims in their relationship with other Muslims, non-Muslims and the of Allah’s creation.
  • Guides a Muslim in performance of Sunnah acts.
  • It is a source of knowledge for Muslims / for academic excellence.
  • Helps Muslims in their knowledge of the details of Prophet Muhammad’s(p. b. u. h) life.
  • It defines the position held by the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) in Islam.
  • Helps Muslims understand the opinion held by the Prophet and his stand on various issuesb. Explain the three forms of hadith.(6 marks)


  • Qaul – statement/speech/sayings of the Prophet {saw}
  • Fiil – Actions performed by the Prophet {saw} HIMSELF
  • Taqrir – Actions of some companions which were approved by the Prophet{saw}
  • Swifat – The physical appearance of the Prophet {saw}c. The Prophet (P.b.u.h.) said “search for knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim male andfemale.”In reference to the hadith, state the importance of knowledge in Islam. (7 marks)


  • Whoever seeks knowledge and help other people to learn will getunaccountable rewards from Allah (SWT).
  • Knowledge is more important than wealth and property.
  • Seeking knowledge is one of the things that will surely lead us toParadise.
  • Teaching others is one of the good deeds that will get us great rewardseven after death.
  • The learned person in Islam is considered superior to the illiterate person.
  • Islam encourages its followers to acquire all forms of beneficialknowledge.
  • Seeking knowledge is higher in status than ritual worship4.a. Mention six acts that nullify wudhu.(6 marks)


  • Any discharge from the front or back passage
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Emission of things such as blood or pus from skin breaks
  • Touching one’s private parts
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Deep sleep which makes one lose consciousnessb. Identify seven categories of Muslims who qualify to receive Zakat(7 marks)


  • The poor
  • The needy
  • Zakat collectors
  • Those who have converted to Islam and are in need
  • Those in slavery
  • Those in debt
  • In the way of Allah
  • The travellerc. State the role of the Kadhi in Kenya.(7 marks)


  • Deals with issues pertaining to Islamic marriages and family life accordingto Sharia.
  • Deals with matters of inheritance among Muslims according to Sharia.
  • Works in liaison with judicial courts and the government.
  • Gives legal directions on issues affecting Muslims according to Sharia.
  • Consulted by the government on Islamic legal issues.
  • Offers conflict solutions on social, political and economic issues.
  • Gives guidance to Muslims.Is looked upon/regarded as a unifying factor by Muslims as they seekcounsel and guidance on matters related to their faith and practices.
  • Helps to promote Muslim identity /uniqueness and their place in the
  • Kenyan society.5.a. Explain seven conditions to be fulfilled before going for Hajj.(7 marks)


  • Should ensure that the expenses to be spent on Hajj are from lawfulsources.
  • Must ensure that he/she has cleared all debts/must be free from debts.
  • Must make sure that he/she leaves behind enough money for the familyexpenses,
  • Should ensure that he/she has enough resources/means/money toundertake the Hajj.
  • A woman should be accompanied by a Mahram.
  • One should be sane/of sound mind.
  • One must be a free person.
  • Should bid farewell to relatives and friends.
  • Ensure that the way/route to Makkah/Hajj is safe.
  • Should have the knowledge of the performance of Hajj the rituals andregulations.
  • Should seek for forgiveness from those he/she has wronged.Pilgrims should be mature and physically fit.b. Differentiate between fardh and Sunnah acts in Islam.(5 marks)


  • There is only one obligatory fast in the month of Ramadhan whilerecommended fasts are many.
  • Avoiding obligatory fast without justifiable reason is blamewonhy and
  • sinful while omitting Sunnah fast attracts no sins nor punishment fromAllah.
  • A Muslim must compensate for missed fardh fast in form of Fidya or
  • Qadha while there is no fidya or qadha for missed Sunnah fast.
  • Fasting in Ramadhan lapses for 29 – 30 consecutive days while it isrecommended to fast a day and break the other in Sunnah fast.
  • Observance of the obligatory fast is done during the month of Ramadhanwhile Sunnah fasts are scattered throughout the other eleven months.
  • Fardh fast begins and ends with the sighting of the moon while Sunnahfast is not days or months specific.
  • End of obligatory fast is marked with the celebration of Eid-ul-fitr while
  • Sunnah fast require no specific festival.
  • The prescription of fardh fast is expressly mentioned in the Quran while
  • Sunnah fasts are modelled in the practice of the Prophet (p.b.u.h).c. Differentiate between Islamic shariah and secular laws.(8 marks)


  • Sharia is from Allah/Divine Law while secular laws are Made by man/man made law.
  • Sharia is universal while secular laws are not universal. Every country has its own laws.
  • Sharia law Cannot be changed to suit situations while secular law ischanged/reviewed to suit situations.
  • Shariah law is a form of worship while secular laws are mere laws togovern/regulate human behaviour and relationships
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  • According to shariah one gets thawab both in this world and in the
  • Hereafter while secular laws only gives dignity and honour in this worldonly.
  • Those who break Sharia can get away with it in this world but will bepunished in the Hereafter while a person can break secular laws and getaway with it.
  • Shariah is not based on favouritism. It is applied to all people regardlessof colour, race, class etc. Secular laws can discriminate against somepeople. in shariah laws, people will be held accountable both in this world and
  • Hereafter while in secular law people are only held accountable in this world/in this life only.
  • Shariah law is expanded by the prophetic tradition and Islamic Scholars using the Quran as a basis while secular law expanded by ordinary human beings i.e lawyers using man made constitution6.a. Give six reasons why shirk is condemned in Islam.(6 marks)
  • `. Give six reasons why shirk is condemned in Islam.(6 marks)
  • Shirk is the highest of the wrong doing according to the instructions given by Luqman to his son. “Behold, Luqman said to his son by way of instructions: ‘o my son join not in worship (others) with Allah: for false worship is indeed the highest wrong doing.” [Q: 31:13]
  • When one attaches Allah’s attributes to any of his creations, he or she undermines Allah’s sovereignty yet Allah is supposed to sovereign.
  • It is of all the sins, Allah (S.W.T) vows not to forgive anyone who commits
  • it knowingly. This is because a person who commits such a sin undermines
  • Allah’s function as the creator, sustainer and destroyer of life. Allah
  • (S.W.T) says,“Allah forgive not that partners should set up with Him; but
  • He forgives anything else to whom he pleases; to set up partners with god is to devise a sin most heinous indeed.”[ Q: 4: 48]
  • Belief in Shirk creates amenity in the society, since people will always be suspicious of each other and they will divot themselves with the belief in
  • Allah as one who predetermines people’s destiny. Shirk makes man to have little or no confidence in God but in other things most especially in times of danger which defames the status of man as Allah’s vicegerent as the best of his creation.
  • Shirk makes a person to distance him or herself from Allah (S.W.T) yet man is supposed to always be nearest to God pray to him whenever he or she has a problem. Yet those who practice other objects created by Allah.
  • “And who is more astray than one who invokes ,besides Allah,such as will not answer to the day of judgment, and who(in fact)are unconscious of their call(to them)” [Q: 46:5]
  • Shirk makes an individual not to be dutiful and upright, one who performs shirk does not his carry out or her duties whole heartedly and this makes her or him near to sinking all the time. Shirk makes a person behave like a coward as he or she will always be thinking that even objects which have no life can protect her or him from any danger or misfortune e.g. wearing of emulates b. State the different interpretations of the word “iman”(6 marks) 
  • Nabii Ibrahim (AS) when Allah (SWT) promised him leadership for the entire Nations. Allah (SWT) says, “…He (Allah) said: ‘I will make you an
  • Imam to the nations.’ He (Ibrahim) pleaded: ‘And also (Imams) from my offspring!’ He (Allah answered: ‘My promise is not within the reach of evil doers!” [Q 2:124]
  • Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was also referred to as Imam. He as Imam ul
  • Anbiya wal Mursalin (leader of Prophets and messengers) as refered to in the journey of Isra wal Miraj when he lead all the prayers in Swalat.
  • The person leading other Muslims during other acts of worship. For example the one who leads others in the burial rituals, during aa’awa activities among others.
  • The scholars of Fiqh, who came up with the four schools of thought (Madhahib) i.e. Imam Malik, Imam Shafi, Imam Hambal and Imam Abu Hanifa.
  • Major compilers of Hadith among the Sunni like Imam Bukhari, Imam
  • Muslim, Tirmidhi, Imam Abu Daud, Imam Ibn Majah and Imam Nasai.
  • The Khalifa of the Muslims e.g. Khalifa Abubakar, Umar, Uthman and Ali.
  • Muslim philosophers like Imam Ghazal, Ibn Rushd, and Ibn Sina among others.
  • The spiritual leaders of the Shia such as Imams Zainul Abidin, Jafar us Sadiq, Musa Al Kadhim etcc. How did the prophets of Allah facilitate divine guidance to their communities? (8 marks)


  • Some were given revelation (hooks) which they passed on to the people.
  • They led exemplary lives for others to emulate/role models.
  • Preaching/teaching what was revealed to them.
  • Some had groups of companions whom they taught and sent out to teach/preach.
  • Some established places of worship.
  • Condemned sin in society and called people to return to the right path.
  • Stood up against evil.
  • Condemned idol worship
  • Called people to the worship of Allah and Allah alone.
  • Through counselling and guidance on matters of faith..
  • They put up with hardships (persecutions) for the sake of Allah.
  • By remaining faithful to Allah and committed/devoted to their calling/mission/work.
  • Taught fear and obedience to Allah by abstaining from all that He has forbidden.
  • Brought the message of reward for those who obey Allah and punishment in hell fire for those who disobey Him.
  • Some-sent emissaries to take Allah’s message-to distant lands/rulers.
  • Some left wasiyya advising their people to remain faithful to Allah.
  • Most were give miracles which facilitated preaching of the message.


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