KCSE Past Papers 2018 English Paper 1 (101/1)

 English Paper 1 (101/1)

Expect a formal letter

(a)Writer’s address and format

(b)Date and format

(c)Recipient’s address and format

(d)Salutation – Dear sir, or Dear madam,

(e)Subject-‘Re’ must appear in subject, if not deny

(f)Content appropriate to instructions

(g)Complimentary close and signature

Language and mechanics of writing – (8 marks)

Award marks according to the linguistic ability of a candidate as follows:

Group D (01 — 02 marks)

Candidate does not communicate and their language ability is so minimal that the examiner has to guess what they intended to write.


  • Poor use of expressions Poor use of punctuation marks Hardly any correct sentences Spelling errors (Broken usage must be identified)Group C (03 — 04 marks)
  • Lack of confidence in language use Very simple sentences
  • All manner of grammatical errors
  • Mother tongue interference
  • Poor organization of ideas
  • Sentence construction errors- identify the word causing it and use marking symbolsGroup B (05 — 06 marks)Communicates fluently, with ease of expression 
  • Well- constructed sentences
  • Good use of vocabulary Some errors (slips) Sentence varietyGroup A (07 — 08 marks)
  • Ease of expression with no errors of punctuation, spelling and grammar
  • Good planning/organization of ideas
  • Clever use of vocabulary and maturity in language use
  • Definite sparks
  • Items of merit- indicated by a tickCloze test2. a) onb) one

    c) each

    d) both

    e) take

    f) period

    g) we

    h) often

    i) although/though

    j) contribute

    3. (a)


  • The lines are simple and the language is not difficult — easy to read and remember.
  • There is regular repetition of words at regular predictable parts of the poem. For example stanzas, two, three and four start Wlth the word “And” and all the lines of stanza one with ‘I’.
  • The stanzas are of the same size; all have four lines.
  • The lines are basically of the same length.These characteristics give the poem a song-like pattern to which a performer can impose a tune (Any two (2) well explained points 2(two) marks each = (Total 4 marks).(ii) The rhyme scheme in all four stanzas is aabbccddeeffgghh. In stanza one we have ‘friend/end’ and foe/grow; in stanza two ‘fears/tears and ‘smiles/wiles; in stanza three ‘night/bright’ and ‘shine/mine’; in stanza four stole/pole’ and ‘see/tree’. (3 marks)(iii) In a celebratory tone. The persona has been plotting to kill the enemy for a long time and now his plans have borne fruit\ a smile to show contentment.

    It could be said in a falling or rising intonation (low-falling intonation suggests both the end of the poem and the sad message of death). Deliberate slow pace

    (iv) Use of gesture-e.g. outstretched hands to show how the foe stretched beneath the tree (2 marks, 1 mark for identification, and 1 mark for illustration/explanation) (Give reasons from the text to qualify the answers)

    3. (b) Picking out odd vowel sound. (6 marks)

    (i) ship;

    (ii) put;

    (iii) hard;

    ( iv) port

    ( v) sit

    ( vi) good

    3. (c) might; wrest; waste; stair; reign/ rein (5 marks)

    3. (d) (h) The teacher greets the student at the start of the dialogue to create rapport The student returns the greeting;

    The student addresses the teacher with respect throughout [Madam]. The teacher respects turn taking rules (Any 2 points)

    (ii) – He brought the notice of the meeting as proof that there will be a video.

    – He brought proof of his class’s preparation.

    – He had reasons why watching the video was important to them. (Any 2 points)

    (iii) She shows interest in the evidence Kantai has brought. She listens to him.

    – Courteously/politely responds to what Kantai says.

    – Let’s Kantai express himself.

    (iv) Varied, but must show completion of the negotiation.

    Suggestions: Teacher can express appreciation for what Kantai has done/commend him for thorough preparations and promise to try and get permission or exemption.

    Kantai thanks the teacher and makes/promises that the students will behave well. (2 marks each).

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