KCSE Past Papers 2014 Art and Design Paper 1 (442/1)

Art & Design Paper 1 (442/1)

SECTION A (20 marks)

1. (a)Texture and line. 2 marks

Rhythm/movement 1 mark

3 marks

(b)A hanging ornamental object suspended from a necklace or earring. 2 marks

(c)(i) To enhance the aesthetic value of the fabric.

(ii) Acts as a symbol/ identity of status role.

(iii) To add economic value to the fabric.

(iv) Communication through pictorial symbols/colour and words.

Any two, 1 mark each = 2 marks

(d)Human figure drawing is the depiction of a human form, Whereas portraiture is a close study / rendition of the characteristics of a specific person from the head to torso/ shoulder. 2 marks

(e)(i) To create textural effect.

(ii) To define form.

(ii) Ti create three dimensional effect.

Any two points 1 mark each. 2 marks

(f)Block printing / Relief printing (wood block/linoleum). 1 mark

(g) (i) Coating a surface/canvas/fabric with undercoat or primer in preparation for painting. 1 mark

(ii) Function:

‘ To reduce absorption.

‘ To stabilize the painting surface/make it stiff or firm/isolates the support

(canvas) from damaging ingredients in the paint hence preventing disintegration of the canvas.

‘ Provides a smooth surface that accepts the paint, letting the paint brush flow better thus adequate adhesion.

Any 1 x 1 : 1 mark

(h)Eco environment recycle symbol. 1 mark


– Re-use/recycle materials.

– To create awareness on proper use of the environment.

Any 1 x 1=1 mark

(i) – Hue is another name for colour, used to differentiate one colour from another/it’s the attribute of a colour by virtue of Which it is discernible as red, green, blue etc.

– Pigment is a natural colouring matter, a powder which is mixed with a solvent (binder) to make paint.

2 marks

(j) Type face: Roman letter.

Part labelled X is Serif. 2 marks

SECTION B (25 marks)


– Stippling technique 1 mark

– Three dimensional effect. 1 mark

– Scales 1 mark

– Fins 1 mark

Total 4 marks


6 marks

4. (a) Incising: Carving/cutting grooves/shapes slightly to create patterns.

(b) Slip trailing: Application of coloured slip onto an object, then scratch to create designs,

(c) Inlaying: To set decorative pieces on clay into a clay surface to make a design that is usually level with the surface.

(d) Excising: cut out/through patterns/designs.

(e) Sgraffito: Scratch the design on the surface and then apply coloured slip. 5 marks


6. (i) Interpretation

– Calligraphic characteristics.

– Creativity and aesthetics. 2 marks

Interpretation (inverse) 2 marks

Repeat pattern 2 marks

Execution 1 mark

(ii) Legibility and readability of letters:

– Uniformity of letters.

– Spacing between letters, words and lines

Total 5 marks

SECTION C (15 marks)

7. (a) (i) Armature: a sculpture framework for supporting the clay or other plastic material in modelling. 2 marks

(ii) Made using thin wire. 1 mark

3 marks

(b) (b) Process of making a form in “papier mache”.

(i)Collect the required materials, tools and equipment.

(ii)Cut /tear/shred the paper into small pieces.

(ii)Soak in water and leave it to soften and set for at least 3 days.

(iii)Drain the water and add glue or cold water paste.

(iv)Pound into a homogenous pulp/state.

(v)Apply the pulp in small amounts on to the structure until the entire form is covered.

(vi)Keep building up the form until the desired form/shape is achieved.

(viii)Add details to define the form/shape.

(iX)Refine the details/structure.

(X)Leave to dry under shade and ensure that it is completely dry.

(Xi)Apply the desired colour and leave to dry.

(Xii)Apply finish: clear vanish and leave to dry.

Each step 1 x 12 = 12 marks

8. (a)A badge is an identification symbol worn to show membership to a group/organization/ institution, society/rank/position/status/achievement. 1 mark

(b) Components of a badge:


Main body/overall form/layout of a badge on which the components are arranged/attached (usually oval/round/circular etc).

(ii)Identification symbol:

Contains the name and pictorial representation of the institution/rank/status etc.


A decorative or beautifully designed section of the badge which bears the motto.

(iv)Motto :

A short phrase stating the core values, aspirations or beliefs of an institution.

Stating = 1 mark

Explanation 2 x 4 = 8 marks

(c) Colour function in a badge:

(i) Aesthetic appeal.

(ii) Identification.

(iii) A symbolic value of what the institution stands for or supports the motto.

Any 2 x 1 : 2 marks

9. (a) Waisting is a defect in a woven article caused by uneven tension of yarn ie. loose warps or tight wefts.

(b) Four ways of achieving firmness of yarn.

(i) Using thick yarn instead of thin yarn.

(ii) Firmly tying the warp threads to avoid sagging.

(m) Allowing minimum spacing between the warps.

(iv) Using plain weave after each row of ghiordes knots.

(v) Pulling the weft threads firmly at the end of each woven line.

(vi) Beating down firmly the weft threads after every row.

Any 4 x 2 marks each = 8 marks

(c) Three main ways of finishing a woven mat.

(i) Knotting the warps/fringes.

(ii) Sewing the warps/overcasting/binding.

(m) Hemming warps/folding and hemming down.

1 x 3 = 3 marks

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