The services listed below can be accessed as follows:
(a) Results
To know your results, please send your registration number to 20558, using the following format: NAC/00000.
(b) Centre booked
To know your allocated centre, please send the word “Centre” with your registration number to 20558, using the following format: Centre/NAC/00000.
(c) Timetable
To check whether your booked, please send the word “Timetable” with your registration number to 20558, using the following format: Timetable/NAC/00000.
(d) Renewal Status
To know your renewal status, please send the word “Renewal” with your registration number to 20558, using the following format: Renewal/NAC/00000.
Note: The SMS service is at a premium rate of Sh. 10 per sms
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