The revised examination syllabuses of KASNEB were implemented with effect from 1 July 2015 and examined from the November 2015 examination sitting. Under the revised syllabuses, the structure of the examinations and content of various papers were reviewed, which necessitated a review of the exemption policy.


Under the revised exemption policy, exemptions will continue to be granted on a paper by paper basis. However, students are advised that the exemptions specified under this policy are not automatic. For an exemption to be granted in any one paper, the applicant must prove that he/she attempted and passed an equivalent paper whose content at least match that of the paper for which an exemption is sought. This means that students will be granted exemptions in those papers in which they demonstrate sufficient coverage of course content in their respective qualifications. For this purpose, an applicant may be required to submit the university catalogue detailing the course content for a specific paper under consideration.


Applicants for exemptions should complete the official Application for Exemption Form (attached here 2018-student-application-form-revised ) and attach the required documents specified in the form, including certified copies of academic and professional certificates and transcripts. Students awaiting graduation should attach certified copies of transcripts and a letter from the university confirming that the student has completed the undergraduate studies and is awaiting graduation.


Applications for exemptions should ideally be submitted at the time of registration or before payment for the first examination. Where, subsequent to registering with KASNEB, a student obtains a qualification for which he/she is eligible to seek exemption(s), the student may still apply for exemptions provided that such exemptions relate to subsequent section(s) for which the student has not attempted any of the papers.

Students are reminded that an exemption granted in a particular paper will be forfeited if one subsequently enters to sit the paper. Similarly, a student should not apply for exemption in a particular paper if he/she has already sat the paper and failed.

Exemptions will be granted to holders of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from recognised universities based in Kenya or outside Kenya who have sat and passed units considered to be equivalent to those under the respective professional qualifications of KASNEB.

For certain foreign universities, the graduates may be required to obtain a written confirmation on recognition of their universities in Kenya from the Commission for University Education (CUE) in Kenya.

In granting exemptions, priority will be accorded to the units covered in undergraduate degree programmes and in particular, the areas of specialisation (also referred to as majors/concentrations/options). Where one has pursued a postgraduate degree programme, consideration will also be given as to whether the postgraduate degree programme is a progression of the specialisation at undergraduate degree level.

University graduates whose degree certificates and transcripts are in a language other than English will be required to include certified copies of the degree certificates and transcripts together with a set of these documents translated into English by a qualified translator. The translated documents should bear the official rubber stamp of the translator indicating the name, telephone number and physical address.

University graduates are further required to note the following:

  • Those who have only attempted introductory papers in their undergraduate or postgraduate degree programmes, such as Introduction to Financial Accounting or Introduction to Economics will not qualify for exemptions in the respective papers in the professional examinations of KASNEB. To qualify for an exemption in the Economics paper, for instance, a graduate must demonstrate that he has sufficiently covered micro and macro-economics, ideally as two distinct papers.
  • University graduates will be eligible for exemptions in Part I of the professional examinations based on equivalent units undertaken at undergraduate or postgraduate degrees, except that for the under mentioned papers, exemptions will only be considered based on the conditions specified in the form attached below:

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    1. Hello Eric,
      We’ve them in hard copies and are as per July 2018 review. Kindly, reach us through 0728 776 317 so that we can organize on delivery and mode of payment

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