Categories of civil law

Law of Contract:
This is a branch of commercial law which deals with the rules governing contracts generally e.g. types of contracts, elements of a contract, terms vitiating factors, illegality, discharge remedies et.c.

Law of property:
This branch of law deals with the jurisprudence of interest in land as well as proprietary transactions e.g. leases, mortgages charges, easements.

Law of succession
This is a branch of law concerned with the disposition of a deceased’s property intestate and intestate succession.

Law of torts
This branch of law is concerned with the protection of personal and proprietary rights. Its core fields include principles of tort and the individual torts.

Law of trust:
This is a branch of equity concerned with the rights and duties and other principles regarding the holding of property of one person by another.

Family law
This branch of law is concerned with the dynamics of the family as a social unit.

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