WORK INSTRUCTIONS Work instructions bear a resemblance to procedures but differ from them in that they provide detailed directions consistent with requirements for activities defined in procedures. They specifically outline the tasks that are to be done in operationalizing a Read More …

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HUMAN RESOURCE PROCEDURES DEFINITION Procedures {set out the ways in which specific actions concerning employees are to be carried out by managers.} Procedures comprise of a series of formalized approach to dealing with specific matters contained in the policy and practice. Read More …

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Descriptive Studies

The objective of a descriptive study is to learn the; who, what, when, where and how of a topic. The study may be simple or complex; it may be done in many settings. Whatever the form, a descriptive study can Read More …

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Exploratory Studies

Exploration is particularly useful when researchers lack a clear idea of the problems they will meet during the study. Through exploration researchers develop concepts, establish priorities, develop operational definitions, and improve the final research design. Exploration may also save time Read More …

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What is Research Design?

There are many definitions of research design, but no definition imparts the full range of important aspects. Kerlinger N F (1986) defines a research design as the plan and structure of investigation so conceived on to obtain answer to research Read More …

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Types of Research Proposals

There are two main types of research proposals: Academic research proposals Project research proposals (business proposals) In general, business proposals can be divided between those generated internally and externally. • An internal proposal is done for the corporation by staff Read More …

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Why Study Research

The study of research methods provides you with knowledge and skills you need to solve problems and meet the challenges of a fast-paced decision-making environment. Business research courses are recognition that students preparing to manage businesses, not-for-profit and public organizations Read More …

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