Co-operative Societies

This refers to a co-operative. The term co-operative is derived from cooperation It is a body of people or a body of persons who have agreed to come together to achieve a certain goal. The members of the public get Read More …

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Public Corporations

This is the net price to which the government has stakes in. The government owns a certain percentage of the enterprises shares. Where a government has a fall ownership of the corporation, the business enterprise is known as a parastatal Read More …

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This is document that defines that relationship between the company and outsiders. It informs the outsiders what the company does, the amount that is required. The memorandum of association is the company’s chatter constitution and once the company is registered Read More …

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According to the partnership Act. A partnership is referred to as a relationship which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with view of making profits. A partnership is thus an extension of sole proprietorship and is in Read More …

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Sole Proprietorship

Sole means single while proprietorship refers to the owner of a business owned by one person who takes responsibility on risks of the business. He either enjoys the profits or servers the losses of the business alone. Formation of Sole Read More …

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Unincorporated Business

These are business which do not have separate entity ( existence from that of their owners) According to law such organizations are one and same in the existence of the owner. They do not have separate rights and obligations from Read More …

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REFERENCES IN RESEARCH METHODS Format There are various presentation formats for different materials. This is as follows: a) Journal Articles – These are the most common sources of cited mate rial and include specialist technical journals as well as trade Read More …

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THE NAME-YEAR SYSTEM Using the name-year citation style, the above example becomes: There are many undergraduate texts on Process Control (Kombo, 1991; Orodho, 1990; Paul, 1995; Wamahiu, 1988). The most popular seems to be the book by Kombo (1991). However, Read More …

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