
REFERENCES IN RESEARCH METHODS Format There are various presentation formats for different materials. This is as follows: a) Journal Articles – These are the most common sources of cited mate rial and include specialist technical journals as well as trade Read More …

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THE NAME-YEAR SYSTEM Using the name-year citation style, the above example becomes: There are many undergraduate texts on Process Control (Kombo, 1991; Orodho, 1990; Paul, 1995; Wamahiu, 1988). The most popular seems to be the book by Kombo (1991). However, Read More …

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REFERENCES IN RESEARCH METHODS Finalization of the research work is very challenging. This is mainly because by the time a researcher finalizes the study, there may be exhaustion and an urgency to complete the study. However this section is vital Read More …

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The 4 Ps (the four Ps)

The marketing mix denotes a combination of the various elements which in their totality make up a marketing system i.e. the product, the price, the placement and the promotion. The Product The product element of the marketing mix involves the Read More …

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The marketing Plan

Solidifies the marketing strategy by defining customers, sales forecasts and marketing objectives. It synthesizes market research and the entrepreneurs strategy into a blueprint for action The plan is implemented through a marketing programme, which addresses the marketing activities decisions regarding Read More …

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Marketing Functions and strategies

Marketing consists of a multitude activities that include decisions about the company’s: Products or services Pricing policies Promotions and Distribution methods. The ultimate equal is to facilitate exchange between an enterprise and its customers. This exchange relationship exists as one Read More …

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Business Incubation

Business incubation is the process of nurturing small and start – up initiatives or business to relative maturity to become self-sustaining business, healthy and wealth-generating entities. The failure rate of any start-up business stands at 90% globally. The main causes Read More …

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