Insurance Claims

Insurance claims may be in respect of fixed assets or current assets. While vouching the receipts of insurance claims, the auditor should examine a copy of the insurance claim lodged with the insurance company. Correspondence with the insurance company and Read More …

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Royalties received

The auditor should see the relevant contract and examine the important provisions relating to the conditions of payment of royalty. In particular, the rate of royalty, mode of calculation and the due dates should be noted. The periodical statements received Read More …

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Sale of Assets

In this case also, as in the case of sale of investments, the authority for sale is most important. It is, therefore, a matter which should receive the attention of the auditor. Another important aspect which requires consideration is the Read More …

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Bills Receivable

The amount collected in respect of bills receivable are verified by reference to Bills Receivable Book. When bills are purchased, a provision for the amount of the discount, not earned till the close of the year is made in the Read More …

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Primarily, the authority under which a loan has been raised should be verified. An unauthorised loan cannot be treated as a liability of the concern. The copy of the loan agreement should be referred to find out the rate of Read More …

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Bankruptcy Dividends

When a debtor has been sued for bankruptcy it is necessary to prove that the debt is due from him to the Official Receiver or Assignee before any amount can be recovered from his estate. The amounts of claim admitted Read More …

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Rental Receipts

Before proceeding to vouch rental receipts, copies of bills issued to tenants should be test checked by reference to copies of tenancy agreements and bills of charges paid by the landlord on behalf of the tenants, i.e., house tax, water Read More …

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Income from Investments

If the investments are many, the client generally would have an Investment Register. In such a case, the dividend income is first vouched by reference to the counterfoils of Dividend Warrants and the interest on securities by reference to the Read More …

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